02 Nov 2019

This Week Letter – November 3, 2019

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To the Generous Parishioners, Benefactors and Friends of St. Constance Parish.


Thank you for your continuous support to our parish.  You give of your time, your talent and your treasure.  We try to be good stewards of the gifts given to this parish.  Here is a rendering of the financial stewardship from the last two fiscal years.


Overall Church Operating Income was 9.2% lower last year than the year before.  The main reasons are: significantly lower return on investments that caused a negative swing of $36,868 when compared with the prior year, lower Easter collections, Fund Raising efforts and Religious Education tuition and fees.  The increases in Other Collections, Lease and Rental Income and Miscellaneous Income were not large enough to offset the lower amounts.

Church Operating Expenses were 9.7% lower than the year before.  Salaries, Employee Benefits, Administrative Expenses, and Miscellaneous expenses contributed to this favorable comparison.

The Operating Church Deficit (larger expenses than income/revenues) decreased 20.4% from the prior year.  This smaller deficit is a result of the lower expenses last year.


School Operating Income/Revenues increased 12.4% from the prior year.  Outside funding sources increased by $176,151 from the prior year.  This is a 75% increase mainly due to Tax Credit Scholarships which were not in effect the prior year.

School expenses increased by $224,489 or 20.6% from the prior year.  Salaries and Employee Benefits account for $183,808 of the total increase.  Some of the positions were paid for by the outside funding sources.

Overall the school operated at a deficit (larger expenses than income/revenues) that was 82.5% larger than the year before.  School support from the parish includes $60,000 direct subsidy, $20,000 Kolbe School Rent pass through and $10,500 in school scholarships. This will be the same amount committed for FY20.


There are various checking and special purpose savings accounts, endowment accounts and certificates of deposit  for the church and school which total $2,028,524, but most of these funds are restricted.  The school has operating loans from FY 10, FY 11 and FY 12 which total $344,531 with $142,625 of accrued interest unpaid on these loans.

The To Teach Who Christ Is savings account includes both donations and interest and has a balance of $270,969 as of June 30th.  These funds can only be spent on projects listed in the case study when the program began.  The renovation of Borowczyk Hall has been targeted for Summer, 2020.  This is one of the projects listed in the TTWCI case study and we will use these funds to pay for this project.

The report also includes Sacramental Information.  St. Constance is an active parish and our report reflects that.

Please see myself, our business manager or Finance Council Members with any questions.

Thank you again for your continued support.


Fr. Richard Milek,  Pastor


Business  Manager: Patricia Pomykalski,

Financial Council: Dcn Jim Schiltz, James Liput, Kazimierz Milewski, Bernadette Kowalik, Denis Pieniazek
